Wii are the Champions [update]

The feedback has been strong. Mostly negative, mainly retarded. So retarded that people have actually started petitions. Some fools have started one (among the many) called "Are You Serious, Nintendo?" that pleads Nin to change the name. If you scroll down, you can find signatures from me (comment #211) and my bud Silent K (comment #206) ridiculing them for their stupidity. Soon after making those comments, he urged me to put them in their place. Thus, out of the rubble and debris of a massive fanboy backlash, came...
Petition to Boycott the Nintendo Wii Petition, the Nintendo Wii Petition Petition. This is my answer to all the dumbasses who think Nintendo will listen to them. Also, let it be known that there are some folks who dig the name. Weird as it is, it stands for alot of things, probably more than Nintendo has revealed.
Sign it if you want, but it's a goof so signatures aren't really important. Although, people have already started to support it, so we might as well see how far this thing goes.
Update- Ok, this is war. My petition has slowed to a crawl. Their petition is still going steady. Here's what i need you guys to do: Using every email address you have, spam theirs with the URL to mine. I just did it myself (comment 1520) but got cut off. I'm out of emails! Let's do this.
Signature count for my petition: 70
Signature count for Wii petition: 1872
At 7:45 PM, April 27, 2006,
InvisibleMan said…
Man, the feedback on Infendo is unbelievable!
There's more Nintendo bashing (and for a reason I can't explain, gay bashing!) than I have ever seen on ANY site, let alone a Nintendo fan site!
Like I said, those fan boys can be dangerous...
I love the logo, by the way... The name itself? To me, it's just intriguing... I think there's more to it than the site leads you to believe.
At 8:49 AM, April 28, 2006,
MuffinGal said…
I agree with Invisible Man. I got tired of reading the comments because they didn't add anything new. I could understand if they were iffy but they are really pissed. (No pun intended.)
I do like the advert with the ii's moving. I was very intrigued and excited to see what they have planned next.
At 9:02 AM, April 28, 2006,
Silent K said…
There's my shout out!
Yeah boooooooooooooy!
Wiiva la Revolution.
At 11:40 AM, April 28, 2006,
InvisibleMan said…
Yeah, that's the best word that describes my feelings towards the Wii name: intrigued, which I believe is what Nintendo intended with the name.
And the best word to describe the over-the-top negative reaction from fanboys? Arrogance.
At 6:17 PM, May 02, 2006,
Rollin said…
The hate is reciprocated...i'm banned from the store. Didn't you read the article?
So yea. What's this customer appreciation thing anyway?
I can't access gmail for some oddball reason and dunno how to so i can't email anyone.
At 10:25 AM, May 04, 2006,
Rollin said…
Whaaat?? Haha. Who's Brian?
I dunno, man. Those guys were pretty hardcore against me coming back, with threats of cops and beatings.
What would you tell them?
At 7:10 PM, May 06, 2006,
Rollin said…
Heh, i'll think about it man.
You guys'r going to watch the E3 briefing too?
At 3:15 AM, May 08, 2006,
Rollin said…
Whoops. Completely slipped my head. I may tomorrow. When is this thing taking place?
At 11:21 AM, June 09, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
At 12:36 AM, July 22, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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