I can't think of anything else to post, but i want to kick-start this blog's engine. If anyone stops by, tell me what's in your DVD tray, in your game machine, on your MP3 player, radio dial, and your favorite channels. Feel free to throw in whatever other media you want. [Talk about a gay blog post.]
Ooh! My turn, my turn!
Drill Dozer. This one has the mic right now.
Age of Empires on the backburner. Metroid Prime Hunters is the next in line.
Tales of Symphonia on the backburner. Cube's going on ice after this.
PS2 (at the Best Buy on 86th)
Fight Night Round 3. Taking on all gangstas.
Media Player
Omar Rodriguez's self-titled Dutch album was something i was listening, dancing, and plucking along to until a week ago. Then i got some Mars Volta B-sides i'd never heard, including Frances the Mute, The Bible and the Breathalyzer, Ambuletz, and A Plague Upon Your Hissing, all taken from a radio-only LP. They're all great, the best of which being 15-minute Frances the Mute, which i am currently destroying on the frets (that's a good thing).
Since iTunes doesn't work on my PC, i'm still stuck with Volta's Scabdates as my go-to album. Not that it's bad by any means, but a brotha gets tired. I alternate between that and Omar's A Manual Dexterity: Volume 1.
I'm trying to get my hands on Roger Waters' Ça Ira, but that thing's like 100+ minutes long total. I love the length, but it would take a lot of time ripping and checking every damn track for errors on iTunes.
Then there's his best friend and his new solo album, David Gilmour's On An Island. I heard the first single from it last week and it punched me in the gut it was so good. Most important of all, it doesn't sound like post-Waters Floyd. It released on the 6th - that's yesterday or today depending how you look at it - meaning i have to buy it ASAP.
I mainly watch indie films, classic films and docs, sprinkle in some tennis tournaments, and top it off with Adult Swim.
David Lee Roth sucks big wrinkly balls. If you're from New York or somewhere else where Diamond Dave replaced Howard, you know what i'm talking about. On the flip side, JV & Elvis have the best show on ex-Kroq Free FM. It sucks that their show got cut down an hour, cause they truly are the new Stern show of FM radio. Poor bastards.
Now you go.
Ooh! My turn, my turn!
Drill Dozer. This one has the mic right now.
Age of Empires on the backburner. Metroid Prime Hunters is the next in line.
Tales of Symphonia on the backburner. Cube's going on ice after this.
PS2 (at the Best Buy on 86th)
Fight Night Round 3. Taking on all gangstas.
Media Player
Omar Rodriguez's self-titled Dutch album was something i was listening, dancing, and plucking along to until a week ago. Then i got some Mars Volta B-sides i'd never heard, including Frances the Mute, The Bible and the Breathalyzer, Ambuletz, and A Plague Upon Your Hissing, all taken from a radio-only LP. They're all great, the best of which being 15-minute Frances the Mute, which i am currently destroying on the frets (that's a good thing).
Since iTunes doesn't work on my PC, i'm still stuck with Volta's Scabdates as my go-to album. Not that it's bad by any means, but a brotha gets tired. I alternate between that and Omar's A Manual Dexterity: Volume 1.
I'm trying to get my hands on Roger Waters' Ça Ira, but that thing's like 100+ minutes long total. I love the length, but it would take a lot of time ripping and checking every damn track for errors on iTunes.
Then there's his best friend and his new solo album, David Gilmour's On An Island. I heard the first single from it last week and it punched me in the gut it was so good. Most important of all, it doesn't sound like post-Waters Floyd. It released on the 6th - that's yesterday or today depending how you look at it - meaning i have to buy it ASAP.
I mainly watch indie films, classic films and docs, sprinkle in some tennis tournaments, and top it off with Adult Swim.
David Lee Roth sucks big wrinkly balls. If you're from New York or somewhere else where Diamond Dave replaced Howard, you know what i'm talking about. On the flip side, JV & Elvis have the best show on ex-Kroq Free FM. It sucks that their show got cut down an hour, cause they truly are the new Stern show of FM radio. Poor bastards.
Now you go.
At 11:28 PM, March 13, 2006,
folax said…
My Playlist:
I don't own one, waste of money, i use my SP for my Game Boy Camera.
Mario Kart is back in, AC got really boring really quickly, but Metroid Hunters is coming!!!
God of War, the best game of that style to ever come out. Gory, messy and inventive. Better than Prince of Persia.
Usually on random but the new Goldfrapp is quite good. Also the Knife are quite good too.
simpsons, family guy, scrubs, lost
the radio hasn't been good in thirty years. i listen to web radio, KEXP, or NPR.
At 9:42 AM, March 14, 2006,
Anonymous said…
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At 9:12 AM, March 15, 2006,
MuffinGal said…
This is all I have been playing.
Animal Crossing
The Sims 2
Phoenix Wright
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan!
PS2 and GCN
I used compressed air to blow the dust off of them.
I am listening to James Blunt as I type this. ::snore:: But I have been using it to listen to my Japanese Language CDs, L'Arc~en~ciel, POD, Godsmack and Duran Duran! lol
Now that Project Runway and Flavor of Love are over, I am just watching the reruns of Law and Order: SVU and Law and Order: CI on USA.
I only listen to Z100 on the drive to work otherwise it's just me and my iPod.
I recently saw Audition. It's a japanese horror movie. ACK! The things that girl did to that man...
At 1:31 AM, March 28, 2006,
InvisibleMan said…
Animal Crossing: Wild World
dead?? No way!! I go in every other day! But I haven't gone on Wi-Fi in quite a while... maybe I can hook up with Muffin Gal one of these days.
Tetris DS
Just got it, and I already posted my Friend Code in Infendo.
Advance Wars 2
Rebelstar Tactical Command
I really want to finish these 2! And I really want Drill Dozer!!
Don't have one! Waiting for it to come down to $100.00...
Pikmin 2
Resident Evil 4
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Although I don't get around to playing the 'Cube much anymore...
Howl's Moving Castle
Whispers of the Heart
My Neighbor Totoro
New Miyasaki goodness!
Screw the iPod! I have a Zen Touch!! Still listening to a lot of Juno Reactor on it.
The Sopranos
New season just started...
I only listen to National Public Radio...
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