D2: ...It can't be. It just can't be. They can't overthrow the pigs.
D1: But they'll try. By God Almighty, they'll try.
D2: It's a futile attempt for change-- a stupid go at revolution.
D1: Possibly...
D2: All these idiots know is that what they do, they do well. What everyone else does, they don't do.
D1: Idiots. Albeit, smart idiots. Visionary idiots.
D2: Their vision will dig them an early grave.
D3: They're all but screwed.
D2: Yeah, it boggles the mind. What could they be thinking?
D1: You're asking the wrong person. They're young. Naive. Idiots, maybe, but are they stupid? No. I think they know exactly what's going on. We're the ones that are out of the loop. We're uninformed. Telling us is their next step.
D2: We have an idea of why they want to do it, but we don't know what "it" is.
D3: Will the pigs be ready?
D1: They have no clue. We know because we're alot closer to the ground. The pigs are too high up.
D2: But will they be ready?
D1: I do not know. The pigs are comfortable where they sit, fat and happy. Might they sense an attack, who knows what they'll do.
D2: Not us...
D1: Not us.
D2: Should we do something? We're not exactly chummy with the pigs, either.
D1: If we back them, the pigs will know.
D2: What else is there?
D1: All that's left is a war waiting to happen. Sit back, watch, and hope for the best. Or the least worst.
D3: It's hard to gauge the--
D2: ...What's wrong?
D1: Look out the window...
D2: Oh my god...It's them.
At 11:43 AM, February 01, 2006,
MuffinGal said…
Animal Farm?
At 11:47 PM, February 01, 2006,
Rollin said…
Nope. Never read it. Guess again. :D
Or just wait for the answers to filter in.
At 11:21 AM, February 07, 2006,
Rollin said…
I'd prefer you keep guessing.
Where'd all my visitors go?
At 3:05 PM, February 09, 2006,
InvisibleMan said…
I'm still here...
What happened to the Animal Crossing blog?
At 4:36 PM, February 09, 2006,
Rollin said…
AC is out until the mutiny is done.
Believe me, you will want to be there when it happens.
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